Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Usa Patriot Act An Act Of Political Upheaval

Sean P. Cooper POLI 308 – US Presidency Newman 18 November 2014 THE USA PATRIOT ACT – An Act of Political Upheaval This paper will focus on the background, purpose, implementation, major criticisms, and current standing of the Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act (hereafter referred to as the USA PATRIOT Act). The USA PATRIOT Act is currently one of the most controversial and divisive political doctrines that exist in modern day America supported and vexed by the entire political spectrum for various reasoning. Although in its inception it was met with staggering approval and support, over time skepticism and fear of an ever-increasing strain on civil rights†¦show more content†¦Understanding the USA PATRIOT Act requires a look at the United States government and its functions prior to the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. The government response system was disjointed and ill prepared for a situation such as this: multiple simultaneous hijackings o f commercial airline planes being used as missiles to eliminate a target. Individuals in the FAA had never experienced multiple hijackings over American soil; therefore, little existed to thwart and counteract these actions (9/11, 10). When the first plane struck the world trade center, neither the President nor any of his staff or advisors knew any planes had been hijacked, nor did they know that the plane had struck the tower. According to the 9/11 Commission Report on the morning of the terrorist attacks President George W. Bush kept informed and in contact through a series of phone calls rather than with an â€Å"open line of communication.† Not only did this limit the speed of communication, but it also eliminated the President’s ability to quickly assemble top advisers and agencies to further combat this issue. The government did not even know that flight 93 had been hijacked until after it crashed at 10:03 A.M., a little under an hour after it had been taken ove r by terrorists (9/11, 40-45). Very little existed in ways of interstate and interagency communication before,

Friday, December 20, 2019

High School to the NBA Essay - 1976 Words

High School to the NBA? The National Basketball Association, more commonly known as the NBA, is a league that millions of people in the world are familiar with. Fans of this association range from toddlers to senior citizens. The men employed by the NBA are friends, fathers, husbands and sons, but some people these men are heroes. So many fans look to these men as role models and want to shadow their every move. The NBA players are all very talented and their life styles are quite unique. The constant traveling and practicing is hard to get used to. As the game of basketball ages, young men are becoming more and more skilled. Although the skill might be there, boys right out of high school are not mentally or physically ready to go†¦show more content†¦The constant phone calls from colleges all over the country wanting Brian to come visit and come play there at times were overwhelming, and the piles and piles of mail from coaches and colleges that accumulated in the trunk of my car were outrageous. My eyes were opened to the harassment that these boys have to deal with day after day. Brian is a very talented young man who has determination like I have never seen. He wants more then anything to achieve his dream of playing in the NBA. Because Brian has this drive, he works very hard and puts in overtime to improve his skills everyday. I have never met anyone with so much passion and some one who impacted a team so positively on and off the court. He has truly been given a gift from God and plans to make the best of it. Now most people look at Brian and wish that they were him because of the talent that he has, yet they do not know the hardships that he overcomes. Brian comes from a broken home in which he is constantly on the go and sleeping at one house and then another. He has a lot of personal hardships that many people are blind to. It seems as though it is every boy’s dream to be a professional athlete. Most of them know in reality that it will never happen, yet there are that select group of people who are given a skill and they were born to play ball. These boys go to high school and become the star of their school team and starting at a young age are constantly harassed byShow MoreRelatedHigh School Basketball And Nba Basketball Essay1167 Words   |  5 Pagesother high school, college and NBA basketball players were exerting as much and, if not, more effort and energy in hope of making small strides in their game that would all accumulate and help be a transformed player next season. Basketball, in its purest form, is a team of players that use various plays, technique and strategies to outscore their opponent as well as to stop their opponent from scoring; however, after competitively playing basketball at the high school level and watching the NBA asRead More Jumping from High School to the NBA Es say1342 Words   |  6 PagesJumping from High School to the NBA Ever since Kevin Garnett, a teenager who by-passed college, was drafted as the fifth overall pick in the 1995 National Basketball Association (NBA) draft, more and more high school teenagers have been making the jump straight to the pros. Since the league draft of 1995, 17 first round picks have been high school players. This means that about 7 percent of first round draft picks in the NBA have been high school teens skipping out on their college educationRead More High School Athletes Should Consider College Over the NBA Essay1196 Words   |  5 Pages In the last ten years many young and talented high school basketball players have chosen to enter the NBA draft. These 17 and 18 year olds decide to skip college, and instead they choose to take a big risk and enter the NBA, hoping to become stars and earn millions of dollars. In many cases, these youngsters’ careers are a failure because they don’t turn out as talented as they thought to be. They end up spending only a few seasons in the NBA because they are not good enough to compete at thatRead MoreHigh School And College Basketball1306 Words   |  6 Pageslife decisions. The one-and-done rule concerns high school and college basketball players, but it hurts more than just the players involved: it hurts the college basketball system. Because some of the best college basketball players are leaving after their freshmen years, the excitement they bring to college basketball also leaves early. Electric players are not the only things being lost; college basketball also loses stability. The best high school players usually go to the best college basketballRead MoreHigh School Athletes Should Not Be Mandatory1358 Words   |  6 Pagessports organizations in the nation, future professional athletes are required to wait a full year after graduating high school to go pro; meanwhile, athletes from other sports, such as MLB, NHL, Golf, NASCAR, and Soccer, get to take an early advantage of their talents. The NBA, National Basketball Association, imposed the 19-age limit for eligibility to enter the draft to herd the high school players onto the NCAA, National Collegiate Athletic Association, but for some, college is all risk with relativelyRead MoreThe Fair Labor Standards Act923 Words   |  4 Pagesthe age that player can enter the league from 19 to 20. Doing so would stop many college players from leaving school after one year. He has been quoted as saying â€Å"I believe and continue to believe it will be in the best interest of the league. I think that the extra year in college will be a benefit for these young men to grow and develop as people and basketball players† (Reyes, 2014). NBA player want to have the right to earn as much money as they can as early as they can and fill fight to have theRead MoreThe NBA One-And-Done Rule1584 Words   |  7 PagesThe NBA â€Å"one-and-done† rule was first implemented in the summer of 2006. This new rule concerns the eligibility for recent high school graduates to forego their eligibility to play college basketball and enter straight into the NBA draft. The informed high school basketball players that they had to be at least one year removed from high school and had to be at least 19 years of age in order to partake in the NBA draft. Currently, the league does not require players to play NCAA basketball as youRead MoreThe National Basketball Association Was Forever Changed1528 Words   |  7 Pagesyear 2005 the National Basketball Association was forever changed. The NBA and its commissioner agreed to a collective bargaining agreement. The agreement included Article X which is now known as â€Å"The One and Done Rule†. The document stated that to be eligible for the NBa a player must be at least 19 years old and have to be out of high school for one year. Article X was created to prevent high school players from entering the NBA when they were clearly not ready. It was also created to promote playersRead MoreRogerian Argument1389 Words   |  6 PagesHigh School to NBA: Good or Bad? Mel Plantenga College Composition P.4/5 March 6, 2013 Some of the greatest stars in the NBA were drafted straight out of high school. Lebron James, Kobe Bryant, and Dwight Howard are just a few examples. Even though, as of 2006, the NBA eligibility rule states that a player entering the NBA draft must be at least nineteen years old and a year removed from high school, it is still a huge debate in the sports world of whether or not this rule is the right choiceRead MoreEssay on Basketball Needs To Be Fixed1318 Words   |  6 Pagescouple of years, both the National Basketball Association (NBA) and college basketball have lost a substantial amount of their competition and have caught much criticizim for it. At the heart of this problem is a single cause, greed. The game of basketball has become all about money instead of the game and its fans. This problem needs to be addressed, and the best place to start is with the college players, or more specifically, the NBA draft. The rules and guidelines that pertain to the draft are

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Personal Writing Evaluation free essay sample

As far back as i can remember, I’ve been good at it. People usually refer to a dictionary or spell check on a regular basis when writing, but I rarely need to. For example, in high school, I would always see my fellow classmates with a dictionary on their desk, where as I would never have to use one. Also as a young child I entered and won a few spelling bee’s in the school district. Proof reading and editing is another strength I have. I always re-read over my papers at least twice once I have finished them. I double check for sentence structure errors and punctuation mistakes. As I re-read my papers, usually I find extra details and descriptions that I may have left out. I consider this a strength because if I did not proof read my writings, my papers would contain more errors, lack essential detail and descriptions, and possibly leave the reader confused. We will write a custom essay sample on Personal Writing Evaluation or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page One of my weaknesses would have to be coming up with topics to write about and starting off the paper. This may come easy to others, but for me its a struggle. Brainstorming usually takes up more time then writing the actual paper does. I can spend hours and hours with a blank piece of paper, just trying to get a start. I usually just have to go on to something else and just let it come to me. Organization and focusing on the topic is always a challenge. I hate making bubble clusters even though I know they will just be beneficial for me in the long run. As I write a paper, I always tend to get distracted and side tracked on the task. For example, right now I’m actually thinking about what I want to eat tomorrow instead about evaluating my strengths and weaknesses as a writer. Procrastination is probably my biggest weakness of all when it comes to writing and school in general. Even if I am given a 3 week notice ahead of time, I will always wait till the last minute to do the assignment. I’ll admit, I’m very lazy when it comes to school work, but I feel that if my assignments had to do with stuff that I was interested in, I would probably not be as lazy and just get into it quicker. By taking English MO1A, I hope to learn how to turn my weaknesses into strengths so I can improve my writing. I want to learn how to focus on the task at hand and not get distracted with meaning less stuff. I want to learn tips and tricks to help me come up with good topics and concrete details to make my writing much more interesting and enjoyable for my readers to read. Finally, I want to stop procrastinating, not only in my writing assignments, but everything when it comes to school work. I have big plans for my future and I need to learn to be more focused on deadlines so I don’t get left behind in my education.