Friday, April 17, 2020

Review on the Monk Who Sold His Ferrari free essay sample

Are you ready to get success in whatever the goal you have set? Are you ready to achieve your dream with confidence and commitment? Do you really want to achieve what you dreamt for? It does not matter what you want to achieve but willpower and importance of your dream in your life are matter for achieving of goal. Winners never quit and Those Who Quit Never Wins In the 1968 Olympics, John Stephen Akhwari of Tanzania started the race with the rest of the runners. However, he was alone when he reached the finishing line after the winner broke the finish line only a handful of viewers left in the stadium. Later, a reporter took his interview and asked why he didnt quit like the rest of the runners since the winner has already broken the finish line. He answered My country did not send me to the Olympics to start the race; they sent me here to finish it. We will write a custom essay sample on Review on the Monk Who Sold His Ferrari or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page If we imply the same phenomenon in our life too, the key of success is that we should not quit Just because of one has finished the race, we must keep on moving and learning with our own experiences, it would definitely make us able to improve and run the race in better and stronger way next time. Most of the people do put their irm endeavours to move in the direction of their aims. However many people failed because of choosing an easier option that is quitting. Failure makes only procrastinate to success but quitting widens the gap between one and his aim or goal which becomes almost impossible for him to achieve. Quitting too much in the long run can turn oneself into an escapist. We always tend to work on our own comfort zones. The world would not be advanced because of those people who never thought of quitting when things do not turn out as what they have initially planned. Thomas A Edison discovered 10,000 ways. That ways did not work when he tried to invent the light bulb. He could have quitted long ago but never let his efforts down. He says: Many of lifes failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up. With a persistent attitude, we would be able to accomplish anything. As it is being said sweat never goes in waste, any endeavour even if leading to a failure is the first step of reaching to success, one must not get disappointed by the strong winds of hard times, but must have killer instinct to fght with it and be triumphant. Failure is never permanent until the day we decide to quit and give up. Someone truly said Its never too late. So why to bother about the future pros and cons? A let go- attitude is required to give the boost to our own endeavours and must have pledge to accomplish our task with proud and dignity. Winners Never Quit By rsruthi Review on the Monk Who Sold His Ferrari By sviJayprabhakar The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari by robin sharMA A Fable About Fulfilling Your Dreams Reaching Your Destiny[pic], by Robin Sharma, is an interesting book † as the subtitle suggests, its a fable, and its one that will ertainly make you give some thought to your life, your goals, your dreams and how your daily habits help you reach those dreams. The author is a leadership expert and author, and he fills the book with a combination of life strategies. Many of these are useful, but whether they work in combination is the real question. Why I chose this book? I had no clue what this book was about or who Robin Sharma was until I received it as a proficiency prize in my second year of college. I was pretty disappointed that I had got a life skills book that would be boring and unimpressive because I was xpecting a book of fiction. One fine day I reluctantly opened the book and ran through its pages. On the due course I found it really captivating and inspirational. The author made it simple and interesting from the start till the end. The Fable The book takes the form of a fable about Julian Mantle, a high-profile attorney with a crazy schedule and a set of priorities that center around money, power and prestige. As such, Mantle represents the values of our society. The eleven chapters are meticulously planned and flow seamlessly from one to the next. Julian Mantle, a very uccessful lawyer was the epitome of success. He had achieved everything most of us could ever want: professional success with an seven fgure income, a grand mansion in a neighborhood inhabited by celebrities, a private Jet, a summer home on a tropical island and his prized possession a shiny red Ferrari parked in the center of his driveway. Suddenly he has to come terms with the unexpected effects of his unbalanced lifestyle. John, who is a friend as well as co-worker of Julian, narrates the story. He begins by describing Julians flamboyant lifestyle, his exaggerated ourtroom theatrics, which regularly made the front pages of newspapers and his late night visits to the citys finest restaurants with sexy young models. Julian Mantle, the great lawyer collapses in the courtroom, sweating and shivering. His obsession with work has caused this heart attack. The last few years Julian had worked day and night without caring about his mental and physical health. That helped him become a very rich and successful lawyer but took a toll on his health and mental state. At fifty-three he looked seventy and had lost his sense of humor. Julian refused to meet any of his friends and colleagues at the hospital. One fine day he quit his law firm and took off without saying where he was headed. Three years passed without any news from Julian. One day he paid a visit to his friend and former colleague John, who was now a cynical older lawyer. But Julian, in the past three years, had been miraculously transformed into a healthy man with physical vitality and spiritual strength. his heart attack Julian Mantle had sold all his property (Yes, his Ferrari too) and left for India. The author tells us about Julians Indian dyssey, how he met the sages of Sivana who had a life changing effect on him. Julian Mantle shares his story of transformation, his secrets of a happy and fulfilling life the land of rose covered huts, placid blue waters with white lotuses floating, youth and vitality, beautiful glowing faces, fresh and exotic fruits. He tells John about the sages of Sivana who knew all secrets of how to live life happily and how to fulfill ones dreams and reach ones destiny. The Concepts The core of the book is the Seven Virtues of Enlightened Learning, which Mantle reveals one by one. Now, although the book presents them as actual Virtues learned from Himalayan gurus, its important to remember as you read that these are made up by the author † actually, he pulled them from other sources and put them together: 1) master your mind 2) follow your purpose 3) practice kaizen 4) live with discipline 5) respect your time 6) selflessly serve others 7) embrace the present Each of these Virtues is discussed in some detail in separate chapters, each of them with a number of concepts and habits to develop. Most of them are very inspiring and potentially very useful. After reading the book, I incorporated several of them into my life, including the ones that involve positive thinking, visualizing goals and more. Again, these are not new concepts, and have been discussed in many other books, but the book presents a great collection of useful concepts that you might want to try out. The Problem After reading the book, I began to outline each of the Seven Virtues, because I was confused about all the action steps the book recommends taking. The truth is, each of the Seven Virtues encompasses a bunch of daily habits, and incorporating all of them into your life would be cumbersome. And some of them seem to me to be conflicting. As an example of the large number of habits in every virtue, here are the ones I have listed for the first virtue, Master your mind: Habit: Find positive in every circumstance; dont Judge events as good or bad, but experience them, celebrate them and learn from them. Habit: The heart of the rose: find a silent place and a fresh rose. Stare at the heart of the rose, the inner petals, concentrating on the folds of the flower, the texture, etc push away other thoughts that come to you. Start with 5 minutes a day, stretch it to 20. It will be your oasis of peace. Habit: 10 minutes of reflection on your day, and how to improve your next day. Habit: Opposition thinking take every negative thought that comes into your mind and turn it into a positive one. First, be aware of your thoughts. Second, appreciate that as easily as negative thoughts enter, they can be replaced with positive ones. So think of the opposite of the negative ones. Instead of being gloomy, concentrate on being happy and energetic. Habit: Secret of the lake. Take a few deep breaths and relax. Then envision your dreams becoming a reality. Picture vivid images of hat you want to become. Then they will become reality. And thats Just with the first virtue. Each one has a number of habits to develop, and theyre not listed out like IVe done here. If you tried to incorporate all of the habits in the book, your day would be very busy indeed. Also, I would recommend only trying to adopt one at a time † more The monk who sold his Ferrari is a tale, which provides an approach to living a simple life with greater balance, strength, courage and abundance of Joy. The fable format is a refreshing change from the tiresome listing of all the good things we ould do for ourselves but do not. It makes the message being conveyed linger in our minds. Although most of the principles dealt with can be found in countless other books on self-help and spirituality, there is a difference in the way of Sharma has put things together. Everyone on this planet is a wonder of this world. Every one of us is a hero in some way or another. Every one of us has the potential for extraordinary achievement, happiness and lasting fulfillment. All it takes are small steps in the direction of our dreams. Like the Taj Mahal, a life overflowing with wonders is built ay by day, block by block. Small victories lead to large victories. Tiny, incremental changes and improvements such as those I have suggested will create positive habits. Positive habits will create results. And results will inspire you towards greater personal change. Begin to live each day as if it was your last. Starting today, learn more, laugh more and do what you truly love to do. Do not be denied your destiny. For what lies behind you and what lies in front of you matters little when compared to what lies within you. The essence of the story is give time for yourself, do not work t break-neck speed, consider your health, and live a fulfilling life. For the reader who might be in the rat race for material success and money, this book might be food for thought. But the message is a trifle too clich ©d and the lectures too pedantic for the reader who is more or less conversant with the principles and insights garnered by Julian Mantle from the sages of Sivana. The presentation in the form of a story redeems the book to some extent. The book might perhaps be more satisfactory for readers who are unfamiliar with and hungry for oriental wisdom. All in all, a book of wisdom.

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